Monday, September 05, 2011

Play Area Project

We completed a few projects outside this summer but by far the most exciting for the kids was the play area project.  We enclosed the area with a wood border so that we could have mulch and sand areas.  As it turns out, mulch and sand are much better landing surfaces for kids than hard clay and weeds. 

First we put down some landscaping fabric.

Then the dump truck brought in 20 yards of mulch (luckily he was able to dump it right in the area).

Carter was incredibly interested in the whole process (until the dumping was finished and we were left to distribute the mulch).

Lots of mulch.

And the finished mulch area.

We also had sand delivered about a week later for the second, smaller enclosed area.  We call this area the gigantic sand box or mini-beach.  Unfortunately, the sand trucks (it took two trucks) could not drive around and dump directly in the sand box like the mulch truck.  So we had to cart the 8 yards of sand from a distance.  But we had some help from our neighbor and his front loader tractor.  I unfortunately did not take any pictures of the hauling (must have been more traumatic).  But here is the finished version.

The kids are definitely enjoying the play area now that it's finished!

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