Thursday, February 08, 2007

Pink Eye

Tuesday afternoon we learned that Carter has pink eye. We took him to the Dr. on Tuesday due to symptoms which started on Monday evening (goopy eye). We’re not sure where he got it because he hadn’t been to daycare since last Thursday and we didn’t go anywhere with him all weekend. But sure enough, he has pink eye and it’s apparently very contagious. We had to forget about daycare the rest of this week so Dave and I have been juggling our schedules around to stay home with him. On the up side Carter seems to be the same happy boy as always – he doesn’t even notice (except when we try to give him eye drops). Not a big fan of the drops. Dave and I are busy washing our hands constantly and everything else not nailed down that Carter may have touched (I know, maybe a bit overboard but we don’t want it spreading). His eye doesn't even look out of the ordinary anymore other than a little redness on the eyelid so I think we caught it early. As my boss put it, “Don’t worry, this is just one of many things to come which will put a wrench in your normal schedule.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope Carter is all recovered from his infection. Then the family schedule can recover too. Good that you have understanding employers. Wish we had been there to help but I guess that would have meant braving the Michigan weather. That part we wouldn't wish for. Love, Mom
Hi and xx and oo to Carter from Grandma B.